Saturday, August 31, 2019

Describe and Compare the Two Forms of Cubism

According to the Tate Gallery’s exposition (1979) Cubism has remained the most important and influential movement of the 20th century, notwithstanding the movement’s short duration. According to Read (1994) the major period for Cubism was from 1907 to 1914, with Picasso and Braque as the main originators of the movement. The rationale for the Tate’s statement is given as â€Å"the artists associated with [Cubism] took some of the most decisive steps towards abstraction†, and this extreme development â€Å"has become the archetype of later revolutionary movements† (p. 84). The movement, according to Read, was the first abstract style of the 20th century, and named by the art critic Louis Vauxcelles, who took up a remark by Matisse about â€Å"Braque’s little cubes† (p. 100). One source (artlex. com) cites Vauxcelles as saying: â€Å"M. Braque scorns form and reduces everything, sites, figures and houses, to geometric schemas and cubes. † One of the most innovative developments is that the creators of Cubism sought to replace a single viewpoint and light source, normal within the western art world since the Renaissance, with a much more complete representation of any object, combining many ‘aspects’. Initially colours were temporarily abandoned and shapes were simplified and flattened. Space was furthermore rendered by means of oblique lines and overlapping forms (The Tate Gallery, 1979). According to Belton (2002, p. 109) Picasso and Braque both struggled with the problem of representing three dimensional objects and figures in the two dimensional medium of painting; â€Å"their solution was to create an abstract form that could display two or more sides of an object simultaneously†. Whilst Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon is generally viewed as the first Cubist painting, Read (1994) argues that the painting might be more usefully viewed as ‘pre-Cubist’, or ‘proto-Cubist’, as it was so heavily influenced by Iberian or African art. Cezanne’s later work is often viewed as the catalyst for the development of Cubism, and Read cites Cezanne’s advice to Bernard â€Å"to deal with nature by means of the cylinder, the sphere and the cone† (p. 100). Cezanne, by trusting his eyes and attempting to express natural, binocular vision, allowed for the ‘truth’ of the shifted viewpoint (Moszynska, 1990). Cubism gives the artist a way of depicting the world in a way that goes beyond what can be seen, and attempts to deal with the energies of objects. According to Read (1994) Cubism could be categorized into various divisions, including ‘analytic’, ‘hermetic’ and ‘synthetic’. This essay will mainly concentrate in the analytic and synthetic forms of Cubism. The term ‘hermetic’ refers to the largely or wholly indecipherable way of representing an object in the flatter type of abstraction, as typical of both Braque’s and Picasso’s later way of working. In this phase the allover pattern became more important. Other sources (including artlex. com) refer to ‘analytic’ cubism as ‘facet’ cubism. Analytical and Synthetic Cubism acquired their names through the comments by art historian Einstein, and in effect are retrospective labels. Einstein wrote that the â€Å"simplistic distortions† employed by Picasso, as typified by his portrait of Gertrude Stein, led to â€Å"a period of analysis and fragmentation and finally to a period of synthesis† (as cited in Foster, Krauss, Bois and Buchloh, 2004, p. 106). The analytical phase of Cubism, as developed by Braque and Picasso, was characterised by a number of different features, starting with the contraction of the painters’ palettes, away from the full colour spectrum to rather monochrome selections, which Foster et al. term ‘abstemious’. The second characteristic is the extreme flattening of the visual space, â€Å"as though a roller had pressed all the volume out of the bodies† (ibid. , p. 106). The third characteristic identified by Foster et al. is the visual vocabulary used to describe â€Å"the physical remains of this explosive process† (p. 06). Foster et al. illustrate these features with Picasso’s portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler (1910) and Bracque’s painting The Portuguese (The Emigrant, 1911-12). The grey or tonal scale, the traditional tool of representing volume, is used very differently by the Cubists. Kahnweiler, the art dealer who exhibited both Braque and Picasso’s work, identified the â€Å"bringing about the unity of the pictorial object† as the exclusive concern of Cubism (Foster et al. , 2004, p. 107). Kahnweiler’s view as upheld by Greenberg, who saw Analytical Cubism as the fusion between two types of flatness: the â€Å"depicted flatness†, shoving the fragmented objects closer to the surface, and the â€Å"literal flatness† of that surface (ibid. , p. 109). Foster and his colleagues however question this: they note a number of differences between the evident intentions of Braque and Picasso in relation to the flat plane, with Picasso, being more ‘tactile’, more focused on exploring the possibilities of using Cubism for sculpture, and Braque more concerned with transparency. Steinberg too, urged against the blurring of Picasso and Braque’s pictures. The two exponents of Cubism saw themselves as being ‘roped together’ like mountaineers in their exploration of this new way of working, with the ebullient Spaniard referring to Braque as his ‘wife’. However, Braque was loyal to ‘passage’, the practice of visual slippage between adjacent elements, whereas Picasso, according to Foster et al. , had an â€Å"overwhelming concern with a vestigial kind of depth† (ibid, p. 109). Picasso seemed more focused on making depth tactile, as Foster et al. demonstrate with showing Picasso’s central plunging depth in Houses on the hill: Horta de Ebro (1909). They go on to argue that Braque is more concerned with the ‘diaphanous’ quality of Cubism, with the loss of traditional notions of figure and ground The Tate Gallery (1979, p. 85) presents Braque’s Clarinet and a Bottle of Rum on a Mantelpiece (1911) as a crucial point in Cubism, â€Å"when the breaking down of objects had been carried to a point very close to complete abstraction†. After this point Braque and Picasso started to introduce areas of wood-graining, the use of collage, and a re-introduction of colour, thereby representing objects in a more recognisable, but also more symbolic way. According to Gersh-Nesic (n. d. ) Synthetic Cubism integrates â€Å"high† and â€Å"low† art (art made by an artist combined with art made for commercial purposes, such as packaging), and according to some can be considered the first Pop Art. Even before 1912 Braque and Picasso had introduced stenciled lettering into their paintings. These stencils were not fine art, they were used for packaging and pub signs. The stencils draw attention to the surface of the canvas, since the uniform letters appear independent of what's painted underneath them. Two technical innovations exemplify new development in Cubism: papier colle and collage. Papier colle involves sticking coloured paper onto the canvas and was invented by Braque. Collage was developed by Picasso, and involved sticking all sorts of materials, such as leather, newspaper, material and rope, onto the surface. Sticking different materials, such as woodgrain, onto the surface of the painting playfully confused what was real and what was an illusion (Tate, n. d. ). New, provocative questions are raised with the use of collage, namely: what is more realistic, to perfectly simulate the look of a newspaper in oil paint, or to stick actual newspaper onto the canvas? (Tate, n. d. ). Wadley (1970, p. 13) holds that â€Å"technically and conceptually† Synthetic Cubism was â€Å"a denial of the European tradition†, in that the surface was now the furthest point from the spectator, not the nearest. Artists working in a synthetic way started with the terms of painting, and from them composed an image which they could justly claim was more real, â€Å"since it in no sense distorted or imitated something else† (ibid. p. 14). Gris, who was the clearest formulator of cubist theory, stated: I work with the elements of the intellect, with the imagination. I try to make concrete that which is abstract. I proceed from the general to the particular, by which I mean that I start with an abstraction in order to arrive at a true fact. Mine is an art of synthesis, of deduction. (ibid. , p. 129) Gris was called a ‘demon of logic’ by Apollinaire. Indeed, his way of working and thinking was different from his Cubist colleagues. According to Wadley the integration in Gris’ work is tighter than in comparable Picassos or Braques. Gris used collage only in his paintings, and its effect is always to strengthen the rigid division of the surface. [ ]There is no hint of Picasso’s ragged edges and random encounters, nor of Braque’s simple elements floating in a spacious arena. The total effect is of tight concentration. (Wadley, 1970, p. 82) Gris’ meticulous style is evident in how he has painstakingly arranged the letters in ‘Le Matin’ in Man in the Cafe, to correspond with the diagonal columns and echo the horizontal line elow (ibid). Foster et al. (2004) make a ‘semiotic’ reading of Picasso’s use of material in his Violin (1912): the ‘twin’ pieces of newsprint paper represent on the one hand the frontal, opaque (wood of the violin), as well as the transparent, amorphous ‘ground’ (background colour). They go on to claim that a similar visual play of meaning is evident in Picasso’s Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass and Newspaper (1913), where a piece of wallpaper is used to represent the liquid in the glass, the rim of the glass, and the ground of the table-cloth. The cut out piece used for the liquid (looking like a chef’s top hat) represents transparency, whilst the ‘negative shape’ left by the incision represents the solid stem of the glass. The viewer might be left with the question whether the ever playful Picasso was just enjoying a visual pun, or whether he intended any of this to be read as ‘signs’. The artist himself stated: â€Å"Mathematics, trigonometry, chemistry, psycho-analysis, music and whatnot, have been related to cubism to give it an easier interpretation. All this has been pure literature, not to say nonsense, which brought bad results, blinding people with theories. (Wadley, 1970, p. 128) During its lifetime both Analytical and Synthetic Cubism encompassed and influenced many artists – the most notable of these being Leger, the three Duchamp/Villon brothers, Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Gleizes and Metzinger (who published a book on Cubism). For some of these artists Cubism functioned as a transition, although Picasso would hold that â€Å"Cubism is neither a seed, nor a foetus, but an art dealing primarily with forms, and when a form is realized it is there to live its own life† (Wadley, p. 28). It led artists like Piet Mondrian to what he saw as its logical end, complete abstraction. Cubism may have been short-lived as a movement, but it continues to influence contemporary art to this day. Collage, for instance, has become a widely practiced form of art. And in terms of form, the practice of reducing everything to the ‘cylinder, the sphere and the cone’ was brought to mind on viewing some of Manolo Valdes’ work, in an exhibition in The Hague this summer.

Quality caring in nursing: applying theory to clinical practice, education, and leadership Essay

Leadership styles Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the utmost and futurist leaders that the world has ever experienced. His mark is consummate and the weight of his endeavors will be realized by many generations. There are numerous traits that molded Martin Luther King to the universal rights principal during his days. This very leadership proficiency can be duplicated in nursing practice that would mould us into professionals, partner, person and friend all around. Martin Luther King possessed a lot of traits that explain why he was very vibrant and prominent as a civil rights leader. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how Martin Luther King leadership skills can be applied in nursing and health care.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Myers Briggs model of personality is very effective since it greatly helped me to identify my personal traits. I also came to learn that I share some characters with other people. I completed the MMDIâ„ ¢ personality test, to identify these traits which helped me to identify some of the similarities and differences. I believe this will help me to find a pleasant career, expand my self-awareness, become an influential leader or improve affiliation skills in nursing and health practices. However, there are eight Myers Briggs personality types. To become a fulfilled and effective leader I have to maintain an excellent balance between my contextual demand and my preferences. Leadership profile is a unique combination of preferences for the eight styles. I prefer to use a balance of all the styles. In addition, being a good leader depends on the culture and context. I am a participative leader since I love to engage people in the directive t aken and its achievement. I love valuing other people to attain the objective through cooperative teamwork (Duffy, 2009).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I am also a change-oriented leader. I believe this is a very crucial tool which enables me to cope with the changing world. I love exploring and inventing new ways of carrying out my duties in nursing and health care. I am also an ideological leader who likes to achieve via endorsement of some values, ideals and maintaining the focus of the group on significant issues. As a visionary leader, I like developing unique sense of the unknown by focusing on future plans, evaluating the client’s demands and evaluating the trend in the market. As an executive leader, I introduce the nursing and health care organization into the manner things are carried out. I am also a goal oriented leader where I have to set specific and achievable goals based on my competence. As an action-oriented leader I love leading as an example in the institution. Lastly, as a theorist leader I like identifying appropriate models of how the institutions can be admi nistered (Goldsmith,2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Martin Luther King on the other hand had set of qualities that marked him as an inspirational leader. He was a persistent leader. One of the famous traits of Martin Luther king, Jr. was his persistent endeavors to lead, inspire and change. He was also a committed leader since no matter how much he achieved, he continued to seek for more. He was also a goal-oriented leader since regardless of many hindrances Luther kept restating the end goal. He was an inspirational leader since he acknowledged that to achieve his objectives; he had to inspire those who had faith in his vision. Dr. Martin Luther King was also a change-oriented leader who constantly pursued new directions. He addressed the issue of civic rights from all directions regardless of violence, attacks or violence. He was also a visionary leader since his objective was beyond sharing his message with the public. Retrieved from r-martin-luther-king-jr   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Martin Luther King was an executive leader since he demanded for respect and tolerance to everyone thus becoming the pioneer. He was also a theorist leader since he made efforts was to transform his followers. Martin Luther was an ideological leader who was not afraid to uncover unchartered territories in civil rights. Lastly, he was an action oriented leader who was straight forward in his message. These traits made Martin Luther King a famous inspirational leader whose leadership styles can be emulated by generations. Martin Luther King transformational leadership was very effective since most transformational leaders are charismatic in nature. He had an exceptional approach of making people to work in unity rather than involving in frequent clashes. He listened calmly as other people argued and lastly call off the debate by coming up with the way forward. These traits helped Luther to unite people to work together in unity. I share vari ous traits with Martin Luther King such as visionary, change-oriented, action-oriented, and executive leader. These traits can be very effective if applied in the nursing and health care since it is a field that requires dedication and innovativeness. Retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, there are several leadership styles which a leader should possess in order to be influential in their role. However, it is very crucial to balance between preference and contextual demand. Good leaders must have an objective so that they may lay down appropriate strategies to attain those goals. This also calls for persistence and commitment in attending the duties which will enable leaders to achieve their end goals. Martin Luther King left an irreplaceable mark as his exceptional leadership styles inspires many leaders and can be emulated in different leadership roles in organizations. The nursing and health sector require people with good leadership styles since it is a very demanding organization. In addition, the constant changing world requires organizations to be change-oriented so that they can cope with these changes. References 10 Leadership Qualities of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. (n.d.). BrandRed Resume. Retrieved June 6, 2014, from Code of conduct for nurses. (2012). Wellington: Nursing Council of New Zealand. Duffy, J. R. (2009). Quality caring in nursing: applying theory to clinical practice, education, and leadership. New York: Springer Pub.. Goldsmith, M. (2010). The AMA handbook of leadership. New York: American Management Association. Source document

Friday, August 30, 2019

Pedestrian Essay

Pedestrian Task: Unusual setting, interesting characterisation, vivid description, throughout-provoking themes show in detail how each of these aspects contributes to your understanding of â€Å"The Pedestrian† By Roy Bradbury. In the story â€Å"The pedestrian†, Bradbury uses unusual setting, interesting characterisation, vivid description and throughout-provoking themes, to capture the reader and presenting an interesting insight on a future society. Throughout the story, Bradbury introduces characters in a specific strange setting through imaginary techniques such as: simile, metaphor and personality.This essay targets to analyse how Bradbury’s choice of setting, characters, themes and his vivid descriptions help us to picture/understand the story. Plot outline â€Å"The Pedestrian† by Ray Bradbury, pictures a story of a lone man in an empty city were streets have been abandoned, at 8’oclok on a November evening. The story imagines how technology has affected society in the future. The story is set in 2052 on a November dark evening in a city of 3 million people. The main character Leonard Mead is made out to be a loner when in actual fact he’s a normal one, that gets accused for being a strange person.The city is taken over by technology however Mr Leonard is different. Mini essay. In â€Å"The Pedestrian† Ray Bradbury presents a unusual setting with an abundance of great imaginary writing and interesting description’s which gives us the upper hand to imagine it our own way and this is what Bradbury is trying to achieve: â€Å"And on his way he would see the cottages and houses with their dark windows† This is strange as its only 8pm and people should at least have the lights on if there not out or walking about the house.This helps me understand that Bradbury wanted to hint over a strange city. He also compares the city to a desert: â€Å"He could imagine himself upon the centre of a plain Ari zonian desert with no house within a thousand miles†. This is especially strange as it’s a city of 3 million. This helps me to picture what Bradbury is trying to set across. Invisible â€Å"people are there but not really there â€Å"Bradbury means by this that people are there but not as if would be in 2012 there hypnotised and as if drugged by TV etc.This helps us understand and picture what life must be like. Appealing characterisation is another key point Bradbury’s â€Å"The Pedestrian† The pedestrian sisplays this appealing characterisation on the form of Bradbury’s description of his main character as a loner and a strange man while presenting other society as â€Å"Ghosts†, hypnotised by technology. Plus he presented the car as evil, threatening and suspicious. Leonard Mead is categorised as a ‘lone’, â€Å"In ten years of walking, by night or day for thousands of miles.He had never met another person walking, not on i n all time. † This indicates he’s the only person that walks.. â€Å"There was a good crystal frost like invisible snow†. He enjoys the cold weather. The word good indicates he enjoys it. â€Å"The light held him fired, like a small specimen needle thrust through his chest. † This simile implies there’s light, other mankind out the house. â€Å"What is it now? † he asked horses . He hates the way other beings are brainwashed by Tv around the city except him. Other people are described as ‘phantoms’ as they are practically lifeless.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Costumes as an aspect of theatrical play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Costumes as an aspect of theatrical play - Essay Example "The costumes and sets of Shakespeare's time influenced the production of the plays. The costumes aided in the visual affects of the plays as did the lighting and the sound effects" (1). Fashion history of many countries is rich in different attire and costumes. So, a costumer must use all the features of a costume to show colours of a particular historical epoch. "We even distinguish between plays that are dressed in the clothing of people of another times or places. We consider these to be "costume plays" (1). A director of the play must show all the variety of costumes features concerning particular play and time the action takes place, especially if it can help to underline the plot and the color of the time. For example, if the action takes place in Elizabethan time, a director must take into account, that "Any part of the costume was likely to be decorated with braid, embroidery, pinking (pricking in patterns) slashing, or puffing, or it might be encrusted with pearls, jewels, or spangles or trimmed with lace or artificial flowers. Men's clothing, like that of women, was gorgeous with color and ornamentation" (1). These details and features help spectators to plunge into the plot and feel the taste of the epoch.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

English - Cause and Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English - Cause and Effect - Essay Example The concepts of causes and effects have been applied in various disciplines such as philosophy and mathematics. The relationship between causes and effects can be of a reciprocating nature, where an event can lead to certain consequences, which can then lead to the previous event. On the other hand, same causes can lead to different effects, based on the environmental factors and the circumstances surrounding such occurrences. There are various rules that govern the relationships between causes and effects. For there to be a valid relationship between the two, causes must occur before the effects. This way, the effects must be a consequence of the occurrence of causes. The other rule governing this relationship is the fact that the causes must be bordering the effects, without any dividing factors in between them. Additionally, there must be a constant union existing in the causes and the effects, in a way that the causes can play to generate the effects (Gregory, 1992). Thus accordi ng to the rules of cause and effect relationship, any difference in the results must have been generated by a difference in the causative factors. This relationship can be based on what is the contributory factor to a certain problem. In this case, when an individual faces a serious problem, there is a need to seek what could be the real cause of that problem, just before embarking on seeking the solution to that problem. This is necessary because, if individuals do not seek the real cause of the problem they face, there is a likelihood of taking actions towards solving such problems, which in real sense might not help in eliminating the problems. Thus, in a life situation, the analysis of a cause effect relationship is necessary to help amicably solve the life challenges (David, 1975). The complete analysis of the causes of a problem ensures that an individual solves such a problem the first time. This is beneficial, other than tackling an issue when the actual relationship has not been well discovered, which may end up making an individual solve an issue halfway, only to revert to the same later, when the same problem re-occurs (Gregory, 1992). In understanding the relationship between cause and effect, then an individual needs to identify an issue at hand, consider all the factors that are involved or surrounding such an issue, which could have an impact on it, narrow down to the factors most related to that issue and finally pin point the actual factors involved. This way, the causative factors are indentified, which could have caused the situation at hand (Pearl, 2000). The cause-effect relationship has been widely applied in the religious front. This application has occurred in the form of religious doctrines upholding the viewpoint that for every action that, an individual commits, then there must be a corresponding effect. This way, in religion, any good deed will result to good results, while any bad one will give rise to bad implications on the part of the individual involved in the deeds (Pearl, 2000). Such doctrines upholds the viewpoint that the actions individuals do, either good or bad, will have an effect on such individuals, either in this life, or in the life after. More to this relationship, the religious doctrines provides for an explanation in the consideration of intent, rather than the actual act. Thus according to the religious doctrines, the intention of an individual, rather than the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Schools Form the Backbones of the Educational Systems Essay

Schools Form the Backbones of the Educational Systems - Essay Example Is it the quality of the professional teachers or principal that comprise the faculty? Is it the methodology of teaching used, the inclusion of sports programs or the spiritual and moral development of the students? Few educators have reviewed the evidence from research that has contributed to the development of the best schools and that bring forth a supply of open-minded, healthy and enthusiastic people into the society. However, a look at the inspection results recently released by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in Dubai, most schools are not managed well, at least not in terms of productive teaching and student outcomes. In a survey conducted by KHDA, about 10% of the schools in Dubai are running well with a satisfactory level of teaching, learning, and management (Sambidge, 2009). This is a grievous situation and therefore important that research is conducted in order to explore the reasons for such a condition in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This research question aims to find how decisions related to the curriculum, teaching methods, classroom scheduling, discipline policy, the introduction of new courses or subjects are made in UAE schools. The question seeks to understand how the decision making the role of the school management, school principal, teachers, students, and student’s families interface. The data will clarify whether and how the participative decision is being used in schools. This study will determine whether participation of the teachers in the decision-making process has to lead to the development of a better curriculum, better methodology, or better overall quality of teaching so that the students are able to experience higher achievement. The study will elaborate the impact of participative decision making on morale and satisfaction among teachers, motivation towards teaching and commitment to their jobs.

Monday, August 26, 2019

First Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

First Exam - Assignment Example 25). The first year of operation, the expansion of the company may be limited because of the evaluation of the cash flows to ascertain profitability of capital purchases. Leasing on a 36 month plan for 2013 ODYSSEY LX Leasing has several advantages that could lead to it being an advantage for the company. According to Parker, leasing has six main advantages that make it possible for businesses to use it as a method of acquisition of services (Parker, 2005, p. 48). Leasing offers chance of 100 percent financing which means that most leases come with a financing plan that makes it possible. The monthly contribution for the service may be cheaper. In fact, from the values obtained in the lease of the cars, it is evident that leasing offers lower monthly charges compared to purchase charges. The second advantage of leasing is the reduction of situations of obsolescence. Vehicles depreciate fast making them obsolete in a couple of years. Thirdly, leasing offers asset flexibility which mak es it easy to obtain assets. Total Initial Fees $15.00. Amount Due at Start of Lease $442.23; Total Monthly Payment $357.73. For the 36 months the total cost of the lease will be 357*36= 12, 852 The total monthly repayment is added to initial fees and the amount due at the start of the lease, initial cost, annual fees and the sales tax= 12852+784.25+69.50+25360=39065.75 Less the end value= 36065.75+15408.40 = 51, 474.15 The results of the financial evaluation of the lease indicate that the lease of the vehicle will be expensive in the long term. Lease reduces the taxable income of the company, which is more appropriate manner than depreciation which includes the use of the depreciation expense (Gitman, Juchau, & Flanagan, 2004, p. 66). However, the taxes saved today may be paid tomorrow making the approach different, but costly in some instances. The vehicle is useful in the long term service of the firm as such the lease may be expensive if used for five to 10 years. Therefore the option of lease for the 2013 ODYSSEY LX is not viable. Purchasing a 2013 ODYSSEY LX with a three-year payment Cost of purchase Initial Cost: $25,360.00; Term 36 months; Interest Rate 1.9%; Sales Tax: $1,648.40; Total Fee $15.00; Total Monthly Payment $773.41. The total cost of the purchase = 27842.72 + 1648.40+15+25360=54, 866.16 The cost of purchasing the van will be cheaper compared to leasing of the van from Honda. The purchase of the car in a three year plan will ensure faster payment for the car and accelerate the ownership transfer. However, monthly payments are high when you purchase than when you lease. The beauty of purchase is that you can sell the car in case of business challenges and allow for the development of the other aspect. There is no limitation on the mileage when using a purchased vehicle. Therefore, choosing whether to lease or buy is dependent of cost implications, advantages and disadvantages of the purchase or lease options. For the company, the longevity o f operations must be evaluated in order to achieve success. The purchase would be the most viable option based on the cost implications of the cars. The total cost of leasing a 2013 ODYSSEY LX for three years is $51, 474.15 while for a three-year purchase option is $54, 866.16. The five-year

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 23

Journal - Assignment Example Also the Catholic Church has contributed to the indifference towards the infant and child’s death by teaching and upholding its strictures against birth control measures and abortion. Mortality rates in Alto do Cruizeiro is due to inadequate nutrition, careless parenting particularly when babies get sick. Also major contributing factors are the prejudiced convertism of catholic churches on the teachings on birth control and abortion. The frequency with which the young infants die causes many mothers to affect indifference to their babies. In her book Hughes points a diseased society and in this way, she is acting as a troublemaker by simply instigating action describing horror and hopeful that her audience will be astonished enough to act by her words. As part of the community, she learnt of Northeast region and in that way, created a holistic demo of life in impoverished towns where she addressed historical background. Her topic of painstaking and subtle silence helped to shack light on the significance of community opinion. At first it seems her point was to troupe a large net to attract people into the cause of these people but this, however, was not the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

English Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

English Assignment - Essay Example Due to the dynamic nature of dancing, many dance films were created to show the complexities in the lives of dancers, as well as how their lives were shaped or changed through dancing, and a lot of which were appreciated by most movie-goers as shown by box office ratings and total worldwide grosses. In this paper, two movies about dancing are compared, Save the Last Dance (2001) and Black Swan (2001) which both show dancing as the driving force not just in the plot, but also in changing the lives of the characters portrayed. The dance films Save the Last Dance and Black Swan are high quality films that feature love of dance and how it is related to a person’s upbringing, social status, and character building. The two films are both considered to be high-quality films despite being labeled as independent films, or â€Å"indies† due to the high grosses during the release, the number of awards given to and nominated for, as well as the competence of the actors, the actress es, and the directors. In spite of having production budgets roughly around $10,000,000, both movies did very well in the box office and easily recovered the expenses incurred, with Save the Last Dance totaling a lifetime gross of $131, 706, 803 (Box Office Mojo – Save the Last Dance), and $329, 443, 368 for Black Swan (Box Office Mojo – Black Swan). ... It also won in the MTV Movie Awards in 2001 for Best Kiss (Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas) and Breakthrough Male Performance (Sean Patrick Thomas). Black Swan also received awards as well, not just from award-giving bodies in the United States, but also from around the world. Among these are: AFI Awards Movie of the Year (2011); Academy Awards Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role (Natalie Portman); Best Foreign Film in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Argentina; Excellence in Production Design Award from the Art Directors Guild; Blue Ribbon Award for Best Foreign Film; Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role (Natalie Portman); and the Venice Film Festival for Marcello Mastroianni Award (Mila Kunis) (Black Swan – Awards†). The number of awards received by the actors and actresses in the two movies attest to the excellent performance of the cast, and their skills in the portrayal of chara cters were able to carry the films through despite the considerably low budget for both films. Also, the actors and actresses were able to show their versatile acting skills that strongly convinced viewers of the emotions that were felt by the characters that they portray. Their skills were recognized not just by the award-giving bodies, but also the audiences that watched them, since it is a common fact that most films that were able to show true emotions win awards as well as the admiration of the audiences. Aside from the movies having good credentials, both for the directors as well as the actors that played in it, the plots were also convincing enough that many people can

Friday, August 23, 2019

Shakespearean Tragedies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Shakespearean Tragedies - Essay Example However, in the plays of Shakespeare, the tragic hero is always a noble man who enjoys some status and prosperity in society but possesses some moral weakness or flaw which leads to his downfall. External circumstances such as fate also play a part in the heros fall. Evil agents often act upon the hero and the forces of good, causing the hero to make wrong decisions. Innocent people always feel the fall in tragedies, as well. Shakespeares tragedies are, for the most part, stories of one person, the "hero," or at most two, to include the "heroine." Only the Love Tragedies (Romeo and Juliet; Antony and Cleopatra) are exceptions to this pattern. In these plays, the heroine is as much at the center of action as the hero. The rest of the tragedies, including Macbeth, have single stars, so the tragic story is concerned primarily with one person. The tragic heros nature is exceptional, and generally raises him in some respect much above the average level of humanity. Shakespeares tragic heroes are made of the stuff we find in ourselves and within the persons who surround him. But, by an intensification of the life which they share with others, they are raised above them; and the greatest are raised so far that, if we fully realize all that is implied in their words and actions, we become conscious that in real life we have scarcely known anyone resembling them. They have a fatal gift that carries with it a touch of greatness (fierce determination, fixed ideas); and when nobility of mind, or genius, or immense force are joined to it, we realize the full power and reach of the soul, and the conflict in which it engages acquires that magnitude which stirs not only sympathy and pity, but admiration, terror, and awe. Shakespeare wrote tragedies from the beginning of his career: one of his earliest plays was the Roman tragedy Titus Andronicus, and he followed it a few years later with Romeo and Juliet. However, his most admired tragedies

Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo - Essay Example Thesis statement: The close examination of the novel Pedro Paramo proves that the writer’s diction is interconnected with his aim to portray the difference between past and present, symbolism is related to the symbols like rain and fertility, usage of imagery is related to air, water and stone, and figurative language is related to the development of magical realism as a specific genre in world literature. Plot summary The novel’s plot is related to the lives of the narrator (Juan Preciado), his father Pedro Paramo, and his (the narrator’s father’s) lover, Susana San Juan. One can see that Comala, the imaginary town, is the background of the novel. In the beginning of the novel, the narrator decides to conduct an expedition to Comala to find out his father. But he did not try to stick on to his decision. Later, he was forced to start his journey to the town of Comala. Within this context, the narrator portrays the present situation in Comala. Now, the situ ation is different because most of the people who live in this town are spirits/ghosts. In the work by Rulfo, Sacabo, and Peden, the narrator made clear that â€Å"Nothing but abandoned houses, their empty doorways overgrown with weeds† (19). ... In the end, the people of Comala were forced to die by starvation. Examination: This section includes topics like diction, which portrays the difference between past and present, symbolism or the usage of symbols in the novel like rain and fertility, the usage of imagery like air, water and stone, and the usage of figurative language which represents the development of the genre of magical realism. A. Diction One can easily identify that the novelist’s ultimate aim in the novel is to make use of the story telling technique (first person and third person narrative technique) to portray the difference between past and present. For instance, the opening of the novel deals with the present condition in Comala, which is described by the narrator. On the other side, after the narrator’s untimely death, the narration suddenly shifts from first person to third person. In this way, Juan Preciado becomes unimportant in the following sections of the novel. From a different angle o f view, both the son and the father are no more and narration is handed over to the novelist. At the same time, this technique does not hinder the development of the plot because the same revolves around Pedro Paramo’s adventures. In this way, the novelist fulfils his aim to portray the difference between past and present. B. Symbolism The symbols like rain and fertility are interconnected because rain is symbolic of life/fertility. In the novel, the element of rain is made use by the novelist to portray the problems faced by the people of Comala. To be specific, the present condition in Comala is related to the lack of rain and the negative attitude of the leader (Pedro Paramo). Here, the leader is symbolic of rain which provides all to the living world. On the other

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Best Holiday Essay Example for Free

Best Holiday Essay This was the best holiday Ive ever had! I came here with my boyfriend for a 2 week stay and found the hotel brilliant. I was a little worried after booking it as some reviews on websites were quite negative but I am pleased to say that these worries did not come true. The rooms are basic but nice and clean, always had toilet paper and the maids were very contentious we were in our rooms one day when they came to clean as it was raining and they came back later many would have left it for that day! The beaches are stunning, unlike anything Ive seen, and when the waves washed up lots of seaweed onto the beach there was staff who removed it! There were always plenty of sun loungers free on the beach, although only a limited number which had sun parasols. The entertainment staff on the beach all day long were always very enthusiastic in getting everyone involved it was a good laugh! They also had a good range of activities, from water aerobics to cocktail making lessons to bingo on the beach! The only thing was that it took a little while to get served at the beach bar but it wasnt really an issue as it was good to get out of the sun for a bit!! There were also very kind waitresses who walked along the beach bringing you your free all inclusive drinks from the bar! The pools were lovely too, always kept clean, although the pool did turn my white bikini yellow!! However the thing I most enjoyed was the nightlife! The entertainment staff organised a different night out for each day of the week great because in our 2 week stay we could go to them all without having to go out every single night! You paid for you ticket, which was about $25 US and you got a wristband which would admit you to all the clubs free plus all you could drink in the pubs and clubs like the all inclusive deal in the resort! So no need to take much money out! Only we took some to tip the staff in the clubs as they were so attentive! You also got transported to the clubs by coach, but it was up to you to make you own way home! There was lots to do and reps in the hotel wee keen to help. We went to Xel Ha and XCaret, which are like caves and rivers, lots of fish, the chance to swim with dolphins, have you picture taken with parrots, scuba diving, snorkelling, jumping off a cliff into the sea, etc! There was so much to do that we couldnt manage it all!! And ran out of money too you need to take a fair bit for the trips etc, but we have just booked to go again this year!!!! Really looking forward to it!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Soul As The Enduring Self

The Soul As The Enduring Self Furthermore, according to the passage, Stelios in Mars can feel and think exactly the same as real Stelios in the earth mean that Stelioss soul is still the same. He is able to know who he is, what he is doing and anything that related to him. Besides that, the Traditional view mentioned that wherever the mind is, the person is there because the person is the mind(Velasquez, 2008). Therefore, if the mind or soul is transferred to another body, the person still remains himself or herself. They just use body as the tool to exist. In Stelios case, assuming that the teletransporter system can destroy brain and body cell by cell, however, it can not destroy his thinking soul or thinking mind which is immaterial or spiritual in order to stop his existence or replace him by a clone. 2/ I personally believe that memory is the source of the enduring self. First of all, memory consist of our past and also changing us through the environment. In other words,the memory or the past reflects our character, attitude, thinking, mind as well as enduring self. Everyone have been through different memories, different environment, different status so that we hold different personal identity. In facts, If the person is experiencing another persons memory or past, his personal identity might be different from the present. For example, I am a very good person and I grow up in a happy environment. On my 21st birthday, I involved in a serious accident and injured my brain. The doctor have transfered a new brain to replace my damaged brain. The new brain might caused me not to be the same person like my past because I do not aware how I used to be. The new brain do not have to same memories as I used to have. According to philosopher John Locke, he suggests that what makes a person at one time the same as a personat another time is memory which is the continuity of consciousness. Memory makes awareness of our action and our responsibility. Hence, our awareness force us to be responsible for what we have done in the past. If a person does not have any responsibility or consiousness in his memory, he is considerred not a same person anymore. For instance, a guy had an accident and lost his memory, he cannot remember anything before the accident. From my point of view, I strongly believe that he is not himself anymore and he has become a new person since he cannot be responsible for what he has done in the past. Part B: What does it mean to be human? 1/According to Mullins, when we start to believe that we are merely products of evolution, we are locked away from freedom and being used as tools by people who sit at the top of the heap. In other words, if we are told to consider ourselves as the products, we are not able to decide to be who we wish to be and we cannot change who we determined to be. By doing so, it make us agree to our fate that we are not free to change our status and lack of incentive to fight for our matters. For example, citizens are used in wars for the higher authority which is government and we have no choice to deny that demand from government. We would also blindly accept any unlucky things happen to us. It will just like a destiny that is unchangeable. Furthermore, when we believe everything is fated, we are not willingly to make the progression ourselves but just let it be. For example, a person who was born in the slave family would believe that he is fated to be a slave. He will also accept the fact t o be treated as a slave and unmotivated to fight for his freedom. The statement we are forever bound up in certain genetic reigns means that we are fated to be who we have to be base on our genetic. We might be born to be smart or stupid naturally and we can not choose to be. Therefore, we are not free to choose how we are and do things that we are not smart enough to do. For example, a person is born not smart enough to do maths well base on his parents genetic. He is not free to choose to be smart to do maths well and it is not how he wants to be. 2/ His statement has shown that he believe in human freedom. Even there are things that we may not be able to change such as skin colour, hair colour, height, family and feature, but we are still able to choose our life and destiny. We have to be responsible for our freedom to choose. Therefore, the consequences we bear reflected our free choices and actions. For instance, if we want to get A for our test (consequence), we have to choose to be hard working (choice and action). Even if we are born not smart, we still can work harder and harder because practices make perfect. Besides that, we are also free to think from any perspectives that are available. For instance, if we failed to meet our goal, we can choose to continue to fight for our goal or choose to give up and accept the consequences. According to Mullins, we are not just products of evolution, we are free. We can choose to break free from the control of the authority. We can deny doing what we do not wish to do. For example, the government demand their citizens to go to wars for the country. If it was a war that will not benefit the country, the citizens can choose to protest to the authority about the issue. The citizens have the choice to decide their life. However, they have to be responsible for their decisions. Part C: Strange New World No, I could be in the perfect virtual reality machine and not know it Yes, I know I am awake No, I cannot be sure I am not inside the matrix No, it is a real possibility I believe that the idea of a reality independent of my experience which we may not know or be able to experience is a philosophical red-herring. Reality is just what I experience whether or not I am in the Matrix. You selected the anti-skeptic responses 1/ The activities and the Matrix movie has shown me the definition of the Matrix which is the computer generated dream world that built to keep us under control in order to change human beings into battery. In other words, humans are under controlled by computers through creating a visual reality to them. The movie and activities have brought me to aware of the reality that I used to know might not be true. I might not get the real picture behind of the reality because I might be controlled by the computer programme which set me to believe the reality will be just as what I see now. I think that there is a possibility that I could be living in a virtual world, being controlled by a computer and did not realize it. Nowadays, the technology is so advanced until people rely so much on computer to perform their daily tasks. Human life now is so closely connected with computer. There might be a day that computers over turn humans and rule humans. The activities and Matrix movie have acted as a person to tell me about reality I am not aware before it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effectiveness of the World Cup Campaign on Lafarge Concreto

Effectiveness of the World Cup Campaign on Lafarge Concreto Executive Summary Primarily the study aims to give the reader an insight into the Indian Cement industry. The project aims to profile and understand the effectiveness of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge Concreto cement. The first phase will be to know the competitors of different brand of PSC cement in eastern India and analysis of their promotion by secondary research. The second phase will be the analysis of the World Cup promotional activities of different brands with celebrities. And then the analysis of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge Concreto with Dhoni is to be done. The third phase will be the comparison of the World Cup campaign of different brands/product with Lafarge Concretos World Cup campaign that will lead to some new findings which will help to formulate new ideas. The fourth phase is to know the effectiveness of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge with Dhoni with the help of a survey i.e. how customers are associating Dhoni as a brand ambassador of Lafarge Concreto, and their feedback about the product, the survey will include meeting dealers and the customers with questionnaire. The final phase will be the analysis of the survey, based on the suggestions and feedback from the customers, ideas will be formulated to improve the promotion which will help to create a strategy that will stay for longer time in future. A Stint at an Advertising Agency- Ogilvy An advertisement agency is a service provider. It provides services to its clients. The primary service of an ad agency is to create a goal oriented and effective advertisement and promotional campaign which aim at putting across the message of the company positively in the eyes of its target audience. In the face of stiff competition every company wants to have an edge over its competitors. Advertising agencies therefore also do the work of research for their clients. This helps the company to take informed decisions and the advertising agencies to create advertisements which break through the clutter and are attention grabbing, persuasive and unique. The main functions of an advertising agency are: Understanding the company, its products and target audience Doing research for better understanding Planning an advertising campaign Making strategies Creating the advertisement and other promotional campaign Measuring success of the campaign About Ogilvy Ogilvy Matheris an international advertising ,marketing and public relations agency based i nManhattan and owned by the WPP Group. The company operates 497 offices in 125 countries. It was founded in the year 1948 by David Ogilvy as â€Å"Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson, Mather in Manhattan. Rochelle Lazarus is the chairman andMiles Young is the CEO. Ogilvy opened its first agency in India in the year 1928. It was the first advertising agency in India. Ogilvy has launched many advertisements which have been very successful in all these years. The company in India operates with offices located in all the major cities. Piyush Pandey is the Executive Chairman and the Creative Director at Ogilvy Mather, South Asia. OGILVY OFFICES IN INDIA The focus areas include advertising, direct marketing, public relations and activation. Ogilvy Activation includes services in the non-traditional area of advertising Ogilvy Landscapes, Ogilvy Outreach, Ogilvy Live and Ogilvy Signscapes which together with the focused services consolidate offerings to clients. OM India is OM Internationals fifth largest operation in terms of profits, with the US ranking first and European nations occupying the other three positions. It is ranked Indias number one agency by Brand Equity survey on leadership, creative ability, investment in employees, client servicing, most influential people and great creative directors. Awards Recognitions OM has bagged several awards for print advertisements, TV ads and case study presentations. OM was awarded the Grand Effie Gold and Gold for service on Hutch, a campaign that won awards at the Abbies too; Gold Effiefor corporate advertising for the Cadbury Crisis Management. OM bagged three Bronze Lions at the Cannes Festival 2004 for two Public Health Safety campaigns for Hutch and one for Concern India Foundation; a Gold two Silvers at the Emvies, 1st Runner Up for Asias ‘Office of the Year 2004 by Media magazine, an award that spans 360 degree communication and HR. From Silver Pencil to Asian Brand Marketing Effectiveness awards for campaigns that include Advertising, PR, CSR, Interactive and Direct Marketing, OM has received recognition for its stature as Indias No. 1 communications agency. OM Mumbai was ranked 8th hottest shop in Asia by Campaign Brief Asia in 2002. Every business unit in OM has received recognition in the domestic and overseas markets. Ogilvy won three Gold, five Silver and five Bronze stacking up to 120 Points that won Ogilvy the title of EFFIE Agency of the Year 2009. Vodafone won EFFIE Client of the year in 2009.Ogilvy Kolkata won the Agency of the year in 2010 at Annual Calcutta Advertising Club awards for creative excellence. Ogilvy Kolkata won many award in ABBY awards in the year 2010. The categories in which OM Kolkata won metals are 5 silvers for the Lafarge and Concreto campaigns (category: Home/ dà ©cor/ lifestyle), 4 silvers for the Kolkata TV print campaign (category: Media), 1 Gold for Childrens Little Theatre radio spot (category Radio, services). List of Clients Vodafone Kolkata Circle Vodafone Rest of West Bengal Vodafone Orissa circle Vodafone Bihar circle Lafarge Concreto Lafarge Duragaurd Tata Steel Star Jalsa Coal India Aque Duct PVC pipes Tea board of India Organizatonal Structure of Ogilvy Operational Flow at Ogilvy At Ogilvy, the client servicing executives prepare and pitch a new product or service to a client. It is very important that the pitch is well structured, client centric and adds value to the company. Once the client appoints the advertising agency then the budgets are negotiated. For every new campaign the client briefs the client servicing executives about their requirements. The client servicing executives studies the brief in details and figures out the core need behind the requirement. According to the requirement there is negotiation with the client about the estimated amount which the client will be billed for the campaign. On the basis of the clients requirement and the detailed research by the executive, brief is given to the creative department about the campaign. After understanding the brief the creative department reverts back with the idea for the campaign. If the idea matches with the clients brief, the client servicing executive asks the creative department to proceed forward. The executives interact regularly with the client through emails and phone calls. After a lot of interaction with the client and the executives, the creative department prepares required creative as per the idea which was finalized. The client servicing executives gets an approval for the creative from the clients. After the executive finalizes the requirement all the creative which are finalized for the campaign are given to the studio operators. The studio operators do the adaptation of the creative in terms of different size requirement, change in the copy etc. They also make sure that all the mandatory guidelines given by the brands are incorporated in the promotional material. The studio operators do a lot of adaptations according to the region in which the campaign is to be released. This may require using the copy of the advertisement in various languages this is done by the translators. The translator translates the copy according to the local language. The final layouts are shared with the client for their approval, in form of JPEGs. The client reverts back and changes if any are made by the studio operators. Then the final advertisement is released for printing. Apart from the print ad client may require radio advertisements, television commercial, audio visual or any other innovative material for promotions. The client servicing interacts with the respective vendors and gets the work done. Introduction Indian Cement Industry An Overview Indian cement industry dates back to 1914 first unit was set-up at Porbandar, with a capacity of 1000 tones. [2] India manufactures 251.2 Million Tones of cement per year. Indias per capita cement consumption is only 156 kilograms against Chinas 600 kilograms. [4] Cement sales primarily through a distribution channel. Ready mix concrete a relatively nascent market in India. Installed Capacity Indian Cement industry is comprised of 148 large cement plants with around 46 member companies. The installed capacity of these large cement plants is estimated to be 219.17 million tones during 2009-10 (as on March 2009).There are 95 large cement plants with capacity of million tones and above and around 1, 40,000 manpower is employed under these plants (one MnT cement generates downstream employment to 50,000 persons). Also, there are 365 mini and white cement plants with an installed capacity of 11.10 million tones (P). [3] Statistics Cement Production Despatches (P) Source: Cement Manufacturers Association Cement production during April to January 2010-11 was 136.51 million tones as compared to 130.85 million tones during the same period for the year 2009-10. Despatches were estimated at 135.56 million tones during April to January 2010-11 whereas during the same period for the year 2009-10, it stood at 130.09 million tones. [3] Cement sector is characterized by the following Units concentrated near raw material sources or markets Power intensive High freight costs Small value chain Regional variation and volatility in prices and margins High debt levels Regional distribution of demand Seasonality of demand and cyclicality of the industry High entry barriers Consumer Demographics Buying Patterns of Indian Consumers The per capita consumption of cement in India is very low, as compared with the developed economies and the overall world average per capita cement consumption. The per capita consumption of cement in India is even less than that in Africa, a relatively underdeveloped continent. Over the past decade, the per capita cement consumption of cement has increased in most states, except Chandigarh, where it has declined by 7 %. Mechanics of Distribution Channels of Sector Companies invariably hire carrying forwarding agents or transport cements to own or government warehouses either via roadway or railways. Incase of exports, cement reaches the nearest port via roadways or railways and is then transferred to the importing country. Domestically, from warehouses the cement is transported to the dealers/distributors and in turn to sub dealers who finally sell it to the end users. There may or may not be physical ownership of goods. In the second case, dealers and sub dealers take order from buyers and place it to the companies, co ordinate and monitor the timely dispatch of said orders, transportation of goods and final delivery. Distributor network in cement industry is highly dominating and companies are compelled to hire as they do not really have that rapport and touch with the end consumer of their product. Apart, from this, the distributors have storage facilities as well which help control well in the entire supply chain as they are the ones who bring orders and therefore are directly responsible for the business that a manufacturer would do. Demand drivers Infrastructure construction sector the major demand drivers. Some demand determinants Economic growth Industrial activity Real estate business Construction activity Investments in the core sector Factors and causes behind the successful flourishing of the cement industries in India Technological change: The government and the industries are upgrading the quality and the technology that are used in the process of production. New investment are in process that are sure to make a change in whole processing and the output of cement There are host of companies are merging together to make their capacity and the produce big and this would lead to a greater development in the cement production. The real estate market is much optimistic and hence this helps in the growth and the enhancement in the field of cement production and investments. Companies and the investors are spending more on the infrastructure of this sector. Various national programs are taken in like National Rural Employment Guarantee, Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and Indira Aawas Yojana. Different Types of Cement There are different varieties of cement based on different compositions according to specific end uses, namely Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland Pozolona Cement, Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement, White Cement and Specialized Cement. The basic difference lies in the percentage of clinker used. [5] 1. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC): OPC, popularly known as grey cement Clinker 95% Gypsum 5% Other materials White cement is a variation of OPC and is used for decorative purposes like rendering of walls, flooring etc. It contains a very low proportion of iron oxide. The applications are cover dry-lean mixes, general-purpose ready-mixes, and even high strength pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete. 2. Portland Pozolona Cement (PPC): Portland pozzolana cement is Ordinary Portland Cement blended with pozzolanic materials (power-station fly ash, burnt clays, ash from burnt plant material or Siliceous earths), either together or separately. Portland clinker is ground with Gypsum and Pozzolanic materials which, though they do not have cementing properties in themselves, combine chemically with Portland cement in the presence of water to form extra strong cementing material which resists wet cracking, thermal cracking and has a high degree of cohesion and workability in concrete. Clinker 80% Pozzolana 15% Gypsum 5% It is cheaply manufactured because it uses fly ash/burnt clay/coal waste as the main ingredient. It has a lower heat of hydration, which helps in preventing cracks. 3. Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement (PBFSC): Portland blast-furnace slag cement contains up to 70 per cent of finely ground, granulated blast-furnace slag, a nonmetallic product consisting essentially of Silicates and Aluminum-silicates of Calcium. Slag brings with it the advantage of the energy invested in the slag making. Grinding slag for cement replacement takes only 25 per cent of the energy needed to manufacture Portland cement. Using slag cement to replace a portion of Portland cement in a concrete mixture is a useful method to make concrete better and more consistent. Portland blast-furnace slag cement has a lighter color, better concrete workability, easier finish ability, higher compressive and flexural strength, lower permeability, improved resistance to aggressive chemicals and more consistent plastic and hardened consistency. It has a heat of hydration even lower than PPC and is generally used in construction of dams and similar massive constructions. Clinker 45% Blast furnace slag 50% Gypsum 5% 4. White Cement: White Portland cement has essentially the same properties as gray cement, except for color, which is a very important quality control issue in the industry. It is manufactured using fuel oil (instead of coal) and with iron oxide content below 0.4% to ensure whiteness. Special cooling technique is used. It is used to enhance aesthetic value, in tiles and for flooring. White cement is much more expensive than grey cement. 5. Specialized Cement: Oil Well Cement: is made from clinker with special additives to prevent any porosity. Rapid Hardening Portland cement: It is similar to OPC, except that it is ground much finer, so that on casting, the compressible strength increases rapidly. 5 Source. Major players in cement industry 1) Associated Cement Companies Ltd (ACC) ACC Limited is Indias foremost cement manufacturer with a countrywide network of factories and marketing offices. Established in 1936, ACC has been a pioneer and trend-setter in cement and concrete technology.[5] ACC manufactures the following types of cement, in addition to which, it provides Bulk Cement and Ready Mix Concrete. Ordinary Portland Cements: 43 Grade Cement (OPC 43 Grade), 53 Grade Cement Blended Cements: Fly-ash based Portland Pozzolana Cement, Portland Slag Cement Table No.1- ACC plants 2) Birla Corp Table No.2- Birla cement plants 3) UltraTech UltraTech Cement Limited has an annual capacity of 52 million tones. It manufactures and markets Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement and Portland Pozzalana Cement. It also manufactures ready mix concrete (RMC). The company has 11 integrated plants, one white cement plant, one clinkerisation plant in UAE, 15 grinding units 11 in India, 2 in UAE, one in Bahrain and Bangladesh each and five terminals — four in India and one in Sri Lanka. UltraTech Cement is the countrys largest exporter of cement clinker. The export markets span countries around the Indian Ocean, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. UltraTechs subsidiaries are Dakshin Cements Limited, Harish Cements Limited, UltraTech Ceylinco (P) Limited and UltraTech Cement Middle East Investments Limited. [11] Table No.3- Ultratech cement plants The company has an annual capacity of 48.8 million tonnes, and manufactures and markets ordinary portland cement, portland blast furnace slag cement and portland pozzalana cement. 4) Ambuja Cements Ltd Ambuja Cements Ltd. (ACL) is one of the leading cement manufacturing companies in India. The Company, initially called Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd., was founded in 1983. The Company commenced cement production in 1986. The global cement major Holcim acquired management control of ACL in 2006. Holcim today holds little over 46% equity in ACL. The Company is currently known as Ambuja Cements Ltd. ACL has grown dynamically over the past decade. Its current cement capacity is about 25 million tones. The Company has five integrated cement manufacturing plants and eight cement grinding units across the country. ACL enjoys a reputation of being one of the most efficient cement manufacturers in the world. Its environment protection measures are on par with the finest in the country. It is one of the most profitable and innovative cement companies in India. [9] Table No.4- Ambuja cement plants 5) Jaiprakash Associates Limited Jaypee group is the 3rd largest cement producer in the country. The groups cement facilities are located in the Satna Cluster (U.P), which has one of the highest cement production growth rates in India. The group produces special blend of Portland Pozzolana Cement under the brand name ‘Jaypee Cement (PPC). Its Cement Division currently operates modern, computerized process control cement plants with an aggregate capacity of 21.30 MnTPA. The company is in the midst of capacity expansion of its cement business in Northern, Southern, Central, Eastern and Western parts of the country and is slated to be 37.55 MnTPA by FY12 (expected) with Captive Thermal Power Plants totaling 702MW.[7] Table No.5- Jaypee cement plants 6) Binani Cement Binani Cement Limited is the flagship subsidiary of Binani Industries Limited (BIL), representing the Braj Binani Group. The cement business started operations in 1997, in Sirohi District, Rajasthan. The Companys product portfolio includes Ordinary Portland Cement, Pozzolona Portland Cement and Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBFS). [10] Binani Cement Ltd. produces cement of two grades: Grade 43 Grade 53 PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement) The Binani Cement Plant is in Pindwara, District Sirohi, Rajasthan 2Source. 3Source. 4Source. About Lafarge Cement Lafarge is the leader in building materials; with a turnover of $15.88 billion in 2009. It has been in operation since way back in history in 1833; when it started as a limestone mining company. But as far as the Indian market goes, Lafarge actually began operations in 1999. And then began a slew of expansion plans in the Indian market; combined with a number of insightful, and at times, path breaking marketing initiatives. Lafarge currently has three cement plants in India: two integrated plants in the state of Chhattisgarh and a grinding station in Jharkhand. Total cement production capacity of Lafarge in the Indian market currently stands at around 5.5 million tons. Lafarge India produces different types of cements like Portland Slag Cement, Portland Pozzolana Cement. The company is a leading cement player in Eastern India. Its brands Lafarge Cement and Lafarge Concreto Cement enjoy high brand equity here and are amongst the highest priced brands. Lafarge is committed to the India n market and has firm plans to expand its capacity in India. Lafarge enjoys high brand equity through its different brands; Lafarge Concreto, Lafarge Duragard and Lafarge Cement Lafarge Concreto Lafarge Concreto has been launched by Lafarge to meet the need of homebuilders in India for truly premium all-purpose cement. Concreto was developed in Lafarges state-of-the art laboratories, which are extensively networked with its Central Research Institute in France. The company has leveraged its combined know-how of more than 170 years and its experience across 75 countries to develop this unique product. Concreto is a specially engineered, premium quality ‘all purpose cement. It can be used for varied applications like roofing, foundations, beams, columns, plastering and brickwork. It is specially formulated to provide a denser concrete mix than normal cements. Concreto is characterized by: High ultimate strength due to the addition of highly reactive silica containing more than 95% glass content. Enhanced durability due to optimum pore refinement and consequently denser concrete matrix this improves the impermeability of the concrete. Exceptionally high resistance to chemical attack (sulphates and acids). Protects reinforcement from corrosion. Reduction of structural cracks due to lower heat of hydration than ordinary cements. Low heat of hydration and higher resistance against alkali-reactive aggregates. Cement Plants Lafarge currently hasfour cement plants in India: two integrated plants in the state of Chhattisgarh,onegrinding station each in Jharkhand West Bengal. Total cement production capacity of Lafarge in the Indian market currently stands at around 6.5 million tons. Table No.6- Lafarge cement plants Segmentation Cement is a bulk commodity so the industry is mainly product based. Segmentation is based on its various products i.e. Portland pozzolona cement, quick hardening cement and ready mix cement. Business to business (B2B) Cement industry deals with real estate, construction companies and other institution. For example Real estate sector Business to consumer (B2C) Cement industry deals with individual customers. For example Individual home builders Industry focuses on relationship approach, so as to build and maintain trust centered relationship. The cement Industry is mostly done through mass marketing, as it doesnt have any customized product for any specific group of customers. Marketing Mix The 4 Ps of marketing mix comprises of: Product Place Price Promotion Figure No.2 Marketing Mix 1) Product Cement industry has various ranges of products. For example: 2 Effectiveness of the World Cup Campaign on Lafarge Concreto Effectiveness of the World Cup Campaign on Lafarge Concreto Executive Summary Primarily the study aims to give the reader an insight into the Indian Cement industry. The project aims to profile and understand the effectiveness of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge Concreto cement. The first phase will be to know the competitors of different brand of PSC cement in eastern India and analysis of their promotion by secondary research. The second phase will be the analysis of the World Cup promotional activities of different brands with celebrities. And then the analysis of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge Concreto with Dhoni is to be done. The third phase will be the comparison of the World Cup campaign of different brands/product with Lafarge Concretos World Cup campaign that will lead to some new findings which will help to formulate new ideas. The fourth phase is to know the effectiveness of the World Cup campaign of Lafarge with Dhoni with the help of a survey i.e. how customers are associating Dhoni as a brand ambassador of Lafarge Concreto, and their feedback about the product, the survey will include meeting dealers and the customers with questionnaire. The final phase will be the analysis of the survey, based on the suggestions and feedback from the customers, ideas will be formulated to improve the promotion which will help to create a strategy that will stay for longer time in future. A Stint at an Advertising Agency- Ogilvy An advertisement agency is a service provider. It provides services to its clients. The primary service of an ad agency is to create a goal oriented and effective advertisement and promotional campaign which aim at putting across the message of the company positively in the eyes of its target audience. In the face of stiff competition every company wants to have an edge over its competitors. Advertising agencies therefore also do the work of research for their clients. This helps the company to take informed decisions and the advertising agencies to create advertisements which break through the clutter and are attention grabbing, persuasive and unique. The main functions of an advertising agency are: Understanding the company, its products and target audience Doing research for better understanding Planning an advertising campaign Making strategies Creating the advertisement and other promotional campaign Measuring success of the campaign About Ogilvy Ogilvy Matheris an international advertising ,marketing and public relations agency based i nManhattan and owned by the WPP Group. The company operates 497 offices in 125 countries. It was founded in the year 1948 by David Ogilvy as â€Å"Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson, Mather in Manhattan. Rochelle Lazarus is the chairman andMiles Young is the CEO. Ogilvy opened its first agency in India in the year 1928. It was the first advertising agency in India. Ogilvy has launched many advertisements which have been very successful in all these years. The company in India operates with offices located in all the major cities. Piyush Pandey is the Executive Chairman and the Creative Director at Ogilvy Mather, South Asia. OGILVY OFFICES IN INDIA The focus areas include advertising, direct marketing, public relations and activation. Ogilvy Activation includes services in the non-traditional area of advertising Ogilvy Landscapes, Ogilvy Outreach, Ogilvy Live and Ogilvy Signscapes which together with the focused services consolidate offerings to clients. OM India is OM Internationals fifth largest operation in terms of profits, with the US ranking first and European nations occupying the other three positions. It is ranked Indias number one agency by Brand Equity survey on leadership, creative ability, investment in employees, client servicing, most influential people and great creative directors. Awards Recognitions OM has bagged several awards for print advertisements, TV ads and case study presentations. OM was awarded the Grand Effie Gold and Gold for service on Hutch, a campaign that won awards at the Abbies too; Gold Effiefor corporate advertising for the Cadbury Crisis Management. OM bagged three Bronze Lions at the Cannes Festival 2004 for two Public Health Safety campaigns for Hutch and one for Concern India Foundation; a Gold two Silvers at the Emvies, 1st Runner Up for Asias ‘Office of the Year 2004 by Media magazine, an award that spans 360 degree communication and HR. From Silver Pencil to Asian Brand Marketing Effectiveness awards for campaigns that include Advertising, PR, CSR, Interactive and Direct Marketing, OM has received recognition for its stature as Indias No. 1 communications agency. OM Mumbai was ranked 8th hottest shop in Asia by Campaign Brief Asia in 2002. Every business unit in OM has received recognition in the domestic and overseas markets. Ogilvy won three Gold, five Silver and five Bronze stacking up to 120 Points that won Ogilvy the title of EFFIE Agency of the Year 2009. Vodafone won EFFIE Client of the year in 2009.Ogilvy Kolkata won the Agency of the year in 2010 at Annual Calcutta Advertising Club awards for creative excellence. Ogilvy Kolkata won many award in ABBY awards in the year 2010. The categories in which OM Kolkata won metals are 5 silvers for the Lafarge and Concreto campaigns (category: Home/ dà ©cor/ lifestyle), 4 silvers for the Kolkata TV print campaign (category: Media), 1 Gold for Childrens Little Theatre radio spot (category Radio, services). List of Clients Vodafone Kolkata Circle Vodafone Rest of West Bengal Vodafone Orissa circle Vodafone Bihar circle Lafarge Concreto Lafarge Duragaurd Tata Steel Star Jalsa Coal India Aque Duct PVC pipes Tea board of India Organizatonal Structure of Ogilvy Operational Flow at Ogilvy At Ogilvy, the client servicing executives prepare and pitch a new product or service to a client. It is very important that the pitch is well structured, client centric and adds value to the company. Once the client appoints the advertising agency then the budgets are negotiated. For every new campaign the client briefs the client servicing executives about their requirements. The client servicing executives studies the brief in details and figures out the core need behind the requirement. According to the requirement there is negotiation with the client about the estimated amount which the client will be billed for the campaign. On the basis of the clients requirement and the detailed research by the executive, brief is given to the creative department about the campaign. After understanding the brief the creative department reverts back with the idea for the campaign. If the idea matches with the clients brief, the client servicing executive asks the creative department to proceed forward. The executives interact regularly with the client through emails and phone calls. After a lot of interaction with the client and the executives, the creative department prepares required creative as per the idea which was finalized. The client servicing executives gets an approval for the creative from the clients. After the executive finalizes the requirement all the creative which are finalized for the campaign are given to the studio operators. The studio operators do the adaptation of the creative in terms of different size requirement, change in the copy etc. They also make sure that all the mandatory guidelines given by the brands are incorporated in the promotional material. The studio operators do a lot of adaptations according to the region in which the campaign is to be released. This may require using the copy of the advertisement in various languages this is done by the translators. The translator translates the copy according to the local language. The final layouts are shared with the client for their approval, in form of JPEGs. The client reverts back and changes if any are made by the studio operators. Then the final advertisement is released for printing. Apart from the print ad client may require radio advertisements, television commercial, audio visual or any other innovative material for promotions. The client servicing interacts with the respective vendors and gets the work done. Introduction Indian Cement Industry An Overview Indian cement industry dates back to 1914 first unit was set-up at Porbandar, with a capacity of 1000 tones. [2] India manufactures 251.2 Million Tones of cement per year. Indias per capita cement consumption is only 156 kilograms against Chinas 600 kilograms. [4] Cement sales primarily through a distribution channel. Ready mix concrete a relatively nascent market in India. Installed Capacity Indian Cement industry is comprised of 148 large cement plants with around 46 member companies. The installed capacity of these large cement plants is estimated to be 219.17 million tones during 2009-10 (as on March 2009).There are 95 large cement plants with capacity of million tones and above and around 1, 40,000 manpower is employed under these plants (one MnT cement generates downstream employment to 50,000 persons). Also, there are 365 mini and white cement plants with an installed capacity of 11.10 million tones (P). [3] Statistics Cement Production Despatches (P) Source: Cement Manufacturers Association Cement production during April to January 2010-11 was 136.51 million tones as compared to 130.85 million tones during the same period for the year 2009-10. Despatches were estimated at 135.56 million tones during April to January 2010-11 whereas during the same period for the year 2009-10, it stood at 130.09 million tones. [3] Cement sector is characterized by the following Units concentrated near raw material sources or markets Power intensive High freight costs Small value chain Regional variation and volatility in prices and margins High debt levels Regional distribution of demand Seasonality of demand and cyclicality of the industry High entry barriers Consumer Demographics Buying Patterns of Indian Consumers The per capita consumption of cement in India is very low, as compared with the developed economies and the overall world average per capita cement consumption. The per capita consumption of cement in India is even less than that in Africa, a relatively underdeveloped continent. Over the past decade, the per capita cement consumption of cement has increased in most states, except Chandigarh, where it has declined by 7 %. Mechanics of Distribution Channels of Sector Companies invariably hire carrying forwarding agents or transport cements to own or government warehouses either via roadway or railways. Incase of exports, cement reaches the nearest port via roadways or railways and is then transferred to the importing country. Domestically, from warehouses the cement is transported to the dealers/distributors and in turn to sub dealers who finally sell it to the end users. There may or may not be physical ownership of goods. In the second case, dealers and sub dealers take order from buyers and place it to the companies, co ordinate and monitor the timely dispatch of said orders, transportation of goods and final delivery. Distributor network in cement industry is highly dominating and companies are compelled to hire as they do not really have that rapport and touch with the end consumer of their product. Apart, from this, the distributors have storage facilities as well which help control well in the entire supply chain as they are the ones who bring orders and therefore are directly responsible for the business that a manufacturer would do. Demand drivers Infrastructure construction sector the major demand drivers. Some demand determinants Economic growth Industrial activity Real estate business Construction activity Investments in the core sector Factors and causes behind the successful flourishing of the cement industries in India Technological change: The government and the industries are upgrading the quality and the technology that are used in the process of production. New investment are in process that are sure to make a change in whole processing and the output of cement There are host of companies are merging together to make their capacity and the produce big and this would lead to a greater development in the cement production. The real estate market is much optimistic and hence this helps in the growth and the enhancement in the field of cement production and investments. Companies and the investors are spending more on the infrastructure of this sector. Various national programs are taken in like National Rural Employment Guarantee, Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and Indira Aawas Yojana. Different Types of Cement There are different varieties of cement based on different compositions according to specific end uses, namely Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland Pozolona Cement, Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement, White Cement and Specialized Cement. The basic difference lies in the percentage of clinker used. [5] 1. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC): OPC, popularly known as grey cement Clinker 95% Gypsum 5% Other materials White cement is a variation of OPC and is used for decorative purposes like rendering of walls, flooring etc. It contains a very low proportion of iron oxide. The applications are cover dry-lean mixes, general-purpose ready-mixes, and even high strength pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete. 2. Portland Pozolona Cement (PPC): Portland pozzolana cement is Ordinary Portland Cement blended with pozzolanic materials (power-station fly ash, burnt clays, ash from burnt plant material or Siliceous earths), either together or separately. Portland clinker is ground with Gypsum and Pozzolanic materials which, though they do not have cementing properties in themselves, combine chemically with Portland cement in the presence of water to form extra strong cementing material which resists wet cracking, thermal cracking and has a high degree of cohesion and workability in concrete. Clinker 80% Pozzolana 15% Gypsum 5% It is cheaply manufactured because it uses fly ash/burnt clay/coal waste as the main ingredient. It has a lower heat of hydration, which helps in preventing cracks. 3. Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement (PBFSC): Portland blast-furnace slag cement contains up to 70 per cent of finely ground, granulated blast-furnace slag, a nonmetallic product consisting essentially of Silicates and Aluminum-silicates of Calcium. Slag brings with it the advantage of the energy invested in the slag making. Grinding slag for cement replacement takes only 25 per cent of the energy needed to manufacture Portland cement. Using slag cement to replace a portion of Portland cement in a concrete mixture is a useful method to make concrete better and more consistent. Portland blast-furnace slag cement has a lighter color, better concrete workability, easier finish ability, higher compressive and flexural strength, lower permeability, improved resistance to aggressive chemicals and more consistent plastic and hardened consistency. It has a heat of hydration even lower than PPC and is generally used in construction of dams and similar massive constructions. Clinker 45% Blast furnace slag 50% Gypsum 5% 4. White Cement: White Portland cement has essentially the same properties as gray cement, except for color, which is a very important quality control issue in the industry. It is manufactured using fuel oil (instead of coal) and with iron oxide content below 0.4% to ensure whiteness. Special cooling technique is used. It is used to enhance aesthetic value, in tiles and for flooring. White cement is much more expensive than grey cement. 5. Specialized Cement: Oil Well Cement: is made from clinker with special additives to prevent any porosity. Rapid Hardening Portland cement: It is similar to OPC, except that it is ground much finer, so that on casting, the compressible strength increases rapidly. 5 Source. Major players in cement industry 1) Associated Cement Companies Ltd (ACC) ACC Limited is Indias foremost cement manufacturer with a countrywide network of factories and marketing offices. Established in 1936, ACC has been a pioneer and trend-setter in cement and concrete technology.[5] ACC manufactures the following types of cement, in addition to which, it provides Bulk Cement and Ready Mix Concrete. Ordinary Portland Cements: 43 Grade Cement (OPC 43 Grade), 53 Grade Cement Blended Cements: Fly-ash based Portland Pozzolana Cement, Portland Slag Cement Table No.1- ACC plants 2) Birla Corp Table No.2- Birla cement plants 3) UltraTech UltraTech Cement Limited has an annual capacity of 52 million tones. It manufactures and markets Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement and Portland Pozzalana Cement. It also manufactures ready mix concrete (RMC). The company has 11 integrated plants, one white cement plant, one clinkerisation plant in UAE, 15 grinding units 11 in India, 2 in UAE, one in Bahrain and Bangladesh each and five terminals — four in India and one in Sri Lanka. UltraTech Cement is the countrys largest exporter of cement clinker. The export markets span countries around the Indian Ocean, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. UltraTechs subsidiaries are Dakshin Cements Limited, Harish Cements Limited, UltraTech Ceylinco (P) Limited and UltraTech Cement Middle East Investments Limited. [11] Table No.3- Ultratech cement plants The company has an annual capacity of 48.8 million tonnes, and manufactures and markets ordinary portland cement, portland blast furnace slag cement and portland pozzalana cement. 4) Ambuja Cements Ltd Ambuja Cements Ltd. (ACL) is one of the leading cement manufacturing companies in India. The Company, initially called Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd., was founded in 1983. The Company commenced cement production in 1986. The global cement major Holcim acquired management control of ACL in 2006. Holcim today holds little over 46% equity in ACL. The Company is currently known as Ambuja Cements Ltd. ACL has grown dynamically over the past decade. Its current cement capacity is about 25 million tones. The Company has five integrated cement manufacturing plants and eight cement grinding units across the country. ACL enjoys a reputation of being one of the most efficient cement manufacturers in the world. Its environment protection measures are on par with the finest in the country. It is one of the most profitable and innovative cement companies in India. [9] Table No.4- Ambuja cement plants 5) Jaiprakash Associates Limited Jaypee group is the 3rd largest cement producer in the country. The groups cement facilities are located in the Satna Cluster (U.P), which has one of the highest cement production growth rates in India. The group produces special blend of Portland Pozzolana Cement under the brand name ‘Jaypee Cement (PPC). Its Cement Division currently operates modern, computerized process control cement plants with an aggregate capacity of 21.30 MnTPA. The company is in the midst of capacity expansion of its cement business in Northern, Southern, Central, Eastern and Western parts of the country and is slated to be 37.55 MnTPA by FY12 (expected) with Captive Thermal Power Plants totaling 702MW.[7] Table No.5- Jaypee cement plants 6) Binani Cement Binani Cement Limited is the flagship subsidiary of Binani Industries Limited (BIL), representing the Braj Binani Group. The cement business started operations in 1997, in Sirohi District, Rajasthan. The Companys product portfolio includes Ordinary Portland Cement, Pozzolona Portland Cement and Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBFS). [10] Binani Cement Ltd. produces cement of two grades: Grade 43 Grade 53 PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement) The Binani Cement Plant is in Pindwara, District Sirohi, Rajasthan 2Source. 3Source. 4Source. About Lafarge Cement Lafarge is the leader in building materials; with a turnover of $15.88 billion in 2009. It has been in operation since way back in history in 1833; when it started as a limestone mining company. But as far as the Indian market goes, Lafarge actually began operations in 1999. And then began a slew of expansion plans in the Indian market; combined with a number of insightful, and at times, path breaking marketing initiatives. Lafarge currently has three cement plants in India: two integrated plants in the state of Chhattisgarh and a grinding station in Jharkhand. Total cement production capacity of Lafarge in the Indian market currently stands at around 5.5 million tons. Lafarge India produces different types of cements like Portland Slag Cement, Portland Pozzolana Cement. The company is a leading cement player in Eastern India. Its brands Lafarge Cement and Lafarge Concreto Cement enjoy high brand equity here and are amongst the highest priced brands. Lafarge is committed to the India n market and has firm plans to expand its capacity in India. Lafarge enjoys high brand equity through its different brands; Lafarge Concreto, Lafarge Duragard and Lafarge Cement Lafarge Concreto Lafarge Concreto has been launched by Lafarge to meet the need of homebuilders in India for truly premium all-purpose cement. Concreto was developed in Lafarges state-of-the art laboratories, which are extensively networked with its Central Research Institute in France. The company has leveraged its combined know-how of more than 170 years and its experience across 75 countries to develop this unique product. Concreto is a specially engineered, premium quality ‘all purpose cement. It can be used for varied applications like roofing, foundations, beams, columns, plastering and brickwork. It is specially formulated to provide a denser concrete mix than normal cements. Concreto is characterized by: High ultimate strength due to the addition of highly reactive silica containing more than 95% glass content. Enhanced durability due to optimum pore refinement and consequently denser concrete matrix this improves the impermeability of the concrete. Exceptionally high resistance to chemical attack (sulphates and acids). Protects reinforcement from corrosion. Reduction of structural cracks due to lower heat of hydration than ordinary cements. Low heat of hydration and higher resistance against alkali-reactive aggregates. Cement Plants Lafarge currently hasfour cement plants in India: two integrated plants in the state of Chhattisgarh,onegrinding station each in Jharkhand West Bengal. Total cement production capacity of Lafarge in the Indian market currently stands at around 6.5 million tons. Table No.6- Lafarge cement plants Segmentation Cement is a bulk commodity so the industry is mainly product based. Segmentation is based on its various products i.e. Portland pozzolona cement, quick hardening cement and ready mix cement. Business to business (B2B) Cement industry deals with real estate, construction companies and other institution. For example Real estate sector Business to consumer (B2C) Cement industry deals with individual customers. For example Individual home builders Industry focuses on relationship approach, so as to build and maintain trust centered relationship. The cement Industry is mostly done through mass marketing, as it doesnt have any customized product for any specific group of customers. Marketing Mix The 4 Ps of marketing mix comprises of: Product Place Price Promotion Figure No.2 Marketing Mix 1) Product Cement industry has various ranges of products. For example: 2

Monday, August 19, 2019

Are Looks Worth It? Essay -- Eating Disorders Anorexia Health Essays

Are Looks Worth It? I was recently coming back from Parris Island, SC on a Greyhound bus when I noticed a young girl around my age sitting next to the window across the isle; she looked a lot like me, tall and slim. I did not think anything of it because I have a very fast metabolism and I eat all the time but can not gain weight. Well we stopped to get food and I noticed that she got stuff from McDonalds and was quietly eating her food. About ten minutes after she got done she ran to the back of the bus and into the bathroom. As she was running back there I heard people shouting gwow she just had to smell the food to pukeh, or gthere are way too many anorexic girls now in the world.h As I was hearing those comments I really wanted to stand up for her, but then I just sat there and thought, what do people think of me when I am eating? I have been pegged as an anorexic person my whole life. After awhile it actually starts to sound like a cover up when I tell people, no, I am not anorexic I just have a fast metabolism. A metabolism is all the chemical reactions in the body. When you have a fast metabolism, it is like your body is doing a bunch of exercises with out even moving, so your body burns all the fat; the fat which makes you over weight. People who are overweight and resort to an eating disorder have a hard time loving the person that they really are. There are more people in that Meredith2 situation then you actually think. According to Pirtle, a writer from Health magazine, gAccording to conservative estimates, eating disorders affect between 5 million and 10 million young women in the Untied States. This year, at least 50,000 individuals will die as a direct result of an eating disorder.h In my opinion if socie... ...ersity. 2 Dec 2003 Colino, Stacey. gFreaky New Eating Disorders.h Cosmopolitan 235.6 (Dec 2003): 150 -151 MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO host Camden- Carroll Library Morehead State University. 2 Dec 2003. gNews Briefs: Disordered Eating Attitudes and Behaviors Among Teenage Girls.h Healthy Weight Journal 16.2 (Mar- Apr 2002): 18. FactSearch. Camden- Carroll Library Morehead State University. 2 Dec 2003 OfDea, Jennifer. gThe New Self- Esteem Approach for the Prevention of Body Image and Eating Problems in Children and Adolescents.h Healthy Weight Journal. 16.6 (Nov- Dec. 2002): 89-93 Fact Search. Camden- Carroll Library Morehead State University. 2 Dec 2003 Pirtle, Jennifer. gMind: eWhy Donft They Just Eat?f.h Health 16.2 (Mar. 2002): 96+. Fact Search. Camden-Carroll Library Morehead State University. 2 Dec 2003.